
Secure Web Gateway And Web Filtering Solution

To have a secure workforce environment is the dream of all organizations. Nobody wants to have interruptions during their work, especially when your anti-virus software alerts you of possible malicious activity that is currently about to interrupt your work. Now, what is the best thing to keep your network and database secure? You need secure internet access to have smooth browsing and gain full visibility on finding possible bad behavior in encrypted traffic.

How to have a secure gateway server?

A secure gateway server is a component being exposed to the internet. A secure gateway server will act as the intermediate server between the managed center server and the roaming agent. All the communications from the roaming agents go through the secure gateway. When an agent tries to contact the central server, a secure gateway server will receive all the communications and redirect to the central server.

Take note: you must install and set a secure gateway server on a different machine and not on a machine where any of these are installed:

  • Endpoint Central Server
  • Distribution Serve
  • Failover Server

Remember to map your product server’s private U address and secure gateway’s public IP address to a common FQDN respectively in the DNS.

The advantage of web filtering

Content filters can be either hardware or software and a part of a firewall. As a part of a firewall, they serve security purposes. However, the action of content filtering implements the company’s policies to information system usage through the network of the company.

As an example, the internet content filters in officers filtering the non-work related content, such as social networking sites unrelated to the deemed distractions and work environment. The technology behind web filtering shows the patterns and rules applied to the dangerous websites seeking access. Using predetermined rules helps the filter identify commonalities, such as:

  • objects within images
  • text strings

When there is a match from the site seeking access, they are marked as objectionable and will deny access. Keeping unwanted content from minors is one of the more obvious reasons for every use of web filtering. But, content filtering becomes an integral component within the workplace. DNS (Domain Internet System) filtering blocks specific sites by pre-identifying the IP address to ensure the prevention of access.

These sites may include the productivity sinks, such as:

  • social media
  • gambling
  • adult content
  • websites

So, anything that poses malware risk will be filtered. You will get the assurance that your work productivity will not be disturbed.

Why is content filtering important?

Some of the biggest threats in any business are:

  • Hacking
  • Phishing
  • Viruses
  • Malware

Phishing is when hackers get sensitive information through deception, like tricking employees into logging in to falsified companies and gaining login credentials. Undeniably, the loss or breakdown of sensitive data such as:

  • login details
  • personal information
  • accounting details
  • legal documents

These can be catastrophic to any company. Thus the importance of content filtering protocols plays a serious role. Web content filtering has a group of benefits for both users and organizations.

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